In any other line of work, it is a lot easier to leave the stress and headaches of work behind. But when your a farm family, your stress from work carries on into the house. In many farm families, the most difficult tasks of the days aren't getting the chores done, it's communicating to your family what you really want, what your goals are, and how you want to get through the day. My family, like many other farm families, has problems with communication and expressing our actual feelings. We experience the ups and downs of the milk prices and I have figured that our good and bad times, moods, communication, etc are up and down like the milk prices.
Farm Families sometimes take for granted the family part. Here are some tips I found in the article that could be useful to farm families on how to keep the family relationships healthy.
- Keep communication open and clear.
- Share farm, parenting, and home responsibilities.
- Find constructive ways to deal with anger.
- Do something fun with family and friends on a regular basis.
- Remain active in social, school and community activities.
Here's where I found the article:
Diede, A. (2000, January). The Farm-Family Connection. Retrieved February 8, 2011, from Washington State University Cooperative Extension:
What if the family does not want to hear what I have to say?