In the legislation there is a section that is new, it sets standards on import foods. Why wasn't that set before? In my thoughts, that means the food we are importing are more likely to be contaminated than the foods we are exporting. Isn't it suppose to be you take care of yourselves and family before you take care of others? So much of our food supply relies on imports so why isn't our nation focused on ourselves first? In order for food to enter our country it should meet the same standards or better than the foods we are sending out.
I do have to say, by implementing the new food safety laws, farmers will have to be inspected more and our own food will be inspected closer. But everyone will be more at ease consuming that hamburger or tomato. Dairy producers are going the have stricter regulations when it comes to their milk being shipped as well. When it comes to dairy, the US was actually behind the rest of the nations in their regulations of somatic cell count. But with the new regulations we are comparable, which can increase our export market for that.
I personally am glad that this new legislation has been passed. It seemed like we were constantly hear about various food recalls. With this legislation I know that I can eat my peanut butter and jelly sandwich with more ease.
Here is where I found my information.
Layton, L. (2010 , November 30). Senate Passes Sweeping Food Safety Bill. Retrieved February 2, 2011, from The Washington Post: